Pauline Lo
羅碧儀畢業於香港浸會大學音樂文學碩士學位,亦曾於香港教育學院修讀中學教育(榮譽)學士學位課程,主修音樂。在學期間,羅氏隨黃慧晶小姐學習手鈴,並加入香港教育學院手鈴隊為幹事及手鈴隊隊員,參與各項演出,致力推廣手鈴音樂。羅氏於2008年正式加入香港十一分音符手鈴隊。2010及2014年,羅氏分別遠赴日本大阪和韓國濟州參加世界手鈴大會,積極鑽研手鈴演奏及指揮技巧。羅氏亦曾參與不同類型的演出,包括《世界手鈴大會》音樂會、《香港手鈴節》、《音樂新文化2012》 、《吾聲吾聲十週年》、《80分鐘環遊世界》、《手牽手.鈴》音樂會等。羅氏現職小學音樂教師並為初級合唱團擔任指揮工作,積極推廣音樂教育。
Pauline LO has graduated from the Baptist University of Hong Kong on Master of Arts in music. She obtained the Bachelor of Education (Honors) (Secondary) majoring in music from the Hong Kong Institute of Education. LO studied Handbell with Ms. Zerlina WONG and joined the HKIEd Handbell Ensemble as a ringer and a committee member during her study in the institute.
She has become an active ringer in the Hong Kong Double Mallet Ringers since 2008 and participated in the 14thand 16thInternational Handbell Symposiumsheld in Osaka(2010) and Jeju (2014) respectively. LO performed in various concerts, including International Handbell Symposium, Hong Kong Handbell Festival, Musicarama 2012, Hands+Handbells=Harmony, Perfect 10th, 《80分鐘環遊世界》and many.
LO is currently a primary music teacher and conducts in the school handchime ensemble and junior choir.