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Resident Composer

梁智軒 Dr LEUNG Chi-hin

受其多樣性的文化背景所影響,梁智軒博士的創作揉合東方和西方的思想,亦特別熱衷於音色與織體的探索。梁氏的作品曾於多個國際音樂節中演出,包括國際現代音樂節(ISCM)、聯合國教科文組織「國際和平藝術節」、國際作曲家交流會議(IRC)、國際電子音樂周(EMW)、世界合唱比賽、世界手鈴大會、國際音樂教育協會(ISME)、亞洲木笛節、新加坡克斯風國際研討會、維也納青少年音樂節、音樂新文化及香港學校音樂節等。他的樂譜及錄音由Schott Music(德國)、MOECK(德國)、Edition HH(英國)、PARMA Recordings(美國)、From The Top Music(美國)及牛津大學出版社(中國)出版。


Dr Chi-hin Leung’s compositions mix elements of East and West, in the process revealing the composer’s diverse cultural background and his particular interest in timbral and textural explorations. His works have been featured as part of, amongst others, ISCM World New Music Days, the UNESCO International “Arts for Peace” Festival, the International Rostrum of Composers, International Electronic Music Week, the World Choir Games, the International Handbell Symposium, the ISME World Conference on Music Education, the Asian Recorder Festival, the Singapore Saxophone Symposium, the Summa Cum Laude International Youth Music Festival Vienna, Musicarama, and the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. Hi scores and recordings have been published by Schott Music (Germany), MOECK (Germany), Edition HH (U.K.), PARMA Recordings (U.S.), From the Top Music (U.S.), Oxford University Press (China) and Hong Kong Composers’ Guild.

Leung received his Doctor of Music (Composition) degree, Master of Philosophy (Composition) degree, Bachelor of Education (Music) degree and Professional Diploma (Electronic Music) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education (currently retitled as The Education University of Hong Kong) and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts respectively. Leung holds FTCL in Music Composition and LMusTCL in Music Theory, Criticism and Literature. He is the Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Composers’ Guild (HKCG) and Vice President of the Hong Kong Association for Music Educators (HAME). He is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Education University of Hong Kong.

© 2024 by Double Mallet Ringers.

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